It was this time in 1991/92 when this movie "Aashiqui" was released and suddenly Rahul Roy became a house hold name and a craze amongst the feminine population of not only the school but also the country. Well this was something that Mohit didnt like, girls being crazy for a 1 film wonder. Mohit was one go getter, he never thought any thing in this world was impossible. He meant the same for his hairstyle too. Some people thought it was impossible for Mohit to change his hairstyle from what it was "Sadhana Cut" to "Rahul Roy"'s style and challenges were what kept him fired up.
One fine Sunday,I remember, he took off on his Hero Ranger cycle and told us that he was going to get his hairstyle changed, come what may. Well, we all beleived that it would be one more futile attempt by Mohit to get his hair style changed which will return back to his normal "Sadhana Cut" style in a few days but he had other designs in his mind. When he reached back home the entire family was shocked to see Mohit had got his head shaved off but for a beautiful "bodi" or a "choti" more symbolic to pandits on his head. The reason he charmimgly gave all of us was that it was summers and he had a lot of dandruff which he wanted to remove.
The actual reasons which a lot of people would not know what the heated discussion which went on between him and the barber who looking at Mohit's hair said that nothing can change his hairstyle which Mohit took as a challenge and shaved off his head. It was after this that he started the oiling of his hair every day and I distinctly remember that when Mohit's hair became just long enough to hold them in one's hand he started using my Mom's clips to hold them back in a way he wanted them to grow. He would use clips and a lot of oil and put on a baseball cap while sleeping to make sure his hair grew in the right direction. This happened for months. When ever he felt dissatisfied with his hair he got it shaved off and retarted the entire exercise again.
Most of us including me used to laugh at him and make fun of his perserverence but the pic I'll paste now would show the starking difference in his hair style to people.
People might find the incident funny but I guess the attitude towards life which Mohit had, always showed how strong he was in his ambitions and the extent he could go to fulfill them. It is our country's and its people's fortune that they were the ones he wanted to serve in the way he did.
Hopefully this will inspire people and remind them of what one is capable of, if one has the will and the right intentions.
U cant imagine how much fun we had when he was doing all this exercise.Thanks for lighting our memories again.School was so much fun.Miss him & wish cld meet him in Oct'08.